Functional MRI : Methods and Applications

Stuart Clare

Abstract - [HTML] [PDF]
Chapter 1 - [HTML] [PDF] - Introduction
Chapter 2 - [HTML] [PDF] - Principals of Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Chapter 3 - [HTML] [PDF] - Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Brain Function
Chapter 4 - [HTML] [PDF] - Optimisation of MRI for Functional Imaging
Chapter 5 - [HTML] [PDF] - Functional MRI using Interleaved EPI
Chapter 6 - [HTML] [PDF] - The Analysis of fMRI data
Chapter 7 - [HTML] [PDF] - Functional MRI of Motor Function
Chapter 8 - [HTML] [PDF] - Discussion

Download the whole thesis as a PDF file (1.8 Mb).

Submitted to the University of Nottingham for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy
October 1997

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Stuart Clare 8.9.2000