Michael Chappell
Engineering Neuroscientist
MRI Publications

- M.A Chappell, M.W. Woolrich, S. Kazan, P. Jezzard, S.J. Payne,
B.J. MacIntosh, Modeling dispersion in arterial spin labeling:
Validation using dynamic angiographic measurements, Magnetic
Resonance in Medicine, in press, 2012. [LINK]
- M.A Chappell, T.W. Okell, S.J. Payne, P. Jezzard,
M.W. Woolrich, A fast analysis method for non-invasive imaging of
blood flow in individual cerebral arteries using vessel-encoded
arterial spin labelling angiography, Medical Image Analysis,
16(4): p831-839, 2012. [LINK]
- T.W. Okell, M.A. Chappell, U.G. Schulz, P. Jezzard, A
kinetic model for vessel-encoded dynamic angiography with arterial
spin labeling, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, in press,
2012. [LINK]
- D.P. Bulte, M. Kelly, M. Germuska, J. Xie, M.A. Chappell,
T.W. Okell, M.G. Bright, P. Jezzard, Quantitative measurement of
cerebral physiology using respiratory-calibrated MRI,
NeuroImage, 60(1): p582-591, 2012. [LINK]
- M.J. Donahue, H. Hoogduin, S.M. Smith, J.C.W. Siero,
M.A. Chappell, N. Petridou, P. Jezzard, P.R. Luijten, J. Hendrikse,
Spontaneous blood oxygenation level-dependent fMRI signal is
modulated by behavioral state and correlates with evoked response in
sensorimotor cortex: A 7.0-T fMRI study, Human Brain Mapping,
e-print, [LINK]
- P. Orlowski, M.A. Chappell, C.S. Park, V. Grau, S.J. Payne,
Modelling of pH dynamics in brain cells after stroke,
Interface Focus, 1(3): p408-416, 2011. [LINK]
- B.J. MacIntosh, E. Sideso, M.J. Donahue, M.A. Chappell,
M. Guenther, A. Handa, J. Kennedy, P. Jezzard, Intracranial
hemodynamics is altered by carotid artery disease and after
endarterectomy: a dynamic magnetic resonance angiography study,
Stroke, 42(4): p979-984, 2011.[LINK]
- M.A. Chappell, A.R. Groves, B.J. MacIntosh, M.J. Donahue,
P. Jezzard, M.W. Woolrich, Partial volume correction of multiple
inversion time arterial spin labeling MRI data, Magnetic
Resonance in Medicine, 65(4): p1173-1183, 2011. [LINK]
- M.A. Chappell, T.W. Okell, P. Jezzard, M.W. Woolrich, A
general framework for the analysis of vessel encoded arterial spin
labelling for vascular territory mapping, Magnetic Resonance in
Medicine, 64(5): p1529-1539, 2010. [LINK]
- T.W. Okell, M.A. Chappell, M.W. Woolrich, M. Guenther,
D.A. Feinberg, P. Jezzard, Vessel-encoded dynamic magnetic
resonance angiography using arterial spin labeling, Magnetic
Resonance in Medicine, 64(3): p698-706, 2010. [LINK]
- M.A. Chappell, B.J. MacIntosh, M.J. Donahue, M. Guenther,
P. Jezzard, M.W. Woolrich, Separation of macrovascular signal in
multi-inversion time arterial spin labelling MRI, Magnetic
Resonance in Medicine, 63(5): p1357-1365, 2010. [LINK]
- B.J. MacIntosh, N. Filippini, M.A. Chappell, M.W. Woolrich,
C.E. Mackay, P. Jezzard, Assessment of arterial arrival times
derived from multiple inversion time pulsed arterial spin labeling
MRI, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 63(3): p641-647, 2010. [LINK]
- S.M. Kazan, M.A. Chappell, S.J. Payne, Modelling the
effects of cardiac pulsations in arterial spin labelling ,
Physics in Medicine and Biology, 55: 799-816, 2010. [LINK]
- S.M. Kazan, M.A. Chappell, S.J. Payne, Modelling the Effects of Flow Dispersion in Arterial Spin Labeling , IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 56(6) 1635-1643, 2009.
- A.R. Groves, M.A. Chappell, M.W. Woolrich, Combined Spatial and Non-Spatial Prior for Inference on MRI Time-Series , NeuroImage, 45(3) 795-809, 2009.
- M.W. Woolrich, S. Jbabdi, B. Patenaude, M.A. Chappell, S. Makni, T. Behrens, C. Beckmann, M. Jenkinson, S.M. Smith, Bayesian analysis of neuroimaging data in FSL , NeuroImage, 45(1) S173-186, 2009. [LINK]
- M.A. Chappell, A.R. Groves, B. Whitcher, M.W. Woolrich, Variational Bayesian Inference for a Non-linear forward Model , IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 57(1) 223-236, 2009.

- M.A. Chappell, Modelling and Measurment of Bubbles in Decompression Sickness , Department of Engineering Science, University of Oxford, 2006. [PDF]
DCS/Bubble Publications

- M.A. Chappell, S.J. Payne, The effects of cavity geometry on the nucleation of bubbles, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 121(2): 853-862, 2007.
- M.A. Chappell, S. Uzel, S.J. Payne, Modelling the detachment and transport of bubbles from nucleation sites in small vessels, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, in press.
- M.A. Chappell, S.J. Payne, A physiological model of the interaction between tissue bubbles and the formation of blood-borne bubbles under decompression, Physics in Medicine and Biology, 51: 2321-2338, 2006.
- S. Uzel, M.A. Chappell, S.J. Payne, Modelling the cycles of growth and detachment of bubbles in carbonated beverages, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 110: 7579-7586, 2006.
- M.A. Chappell, S.J. Payne, A physiological model of the release of gas bubbles from crevices under decompression, Respiration Physiology and Neurobiology, 153: 166-180, 2006.
- M.A. Chappell, S.J. Payne, A physiological model of gas pockets in crevices and their behaviour under compression, Respiration Physiology and Neurobiology, 152: 100:114, 2006.
- M.A. Chappell, S.J. Payne, A method for the automated detection of venous gas bubbles in humans using Empirical Mode Decomposition, Annals of Biomedical Engineering, 33: 1411-1421, 2005.
- M.A. Chappell, S.J. Payne, Automated determination of bubble grades from Doppler ultrasound recordings, Aviation, Space and Environmental Medicine, 76: 771-777, 2005.
MRI Tutorial/Technical publications

- M.A. Chappell, A.R. Groves, M.W. Woolrich, The FMRIB Variational Bayes Tutorial: VB for non-linear forward models, FMRIB Centre, University of Oxford, TR-07-MC01, 2007.
[PDF] (6.5 MB)
MRI conference abstracts/posters

- M.A. Chappell, T.W. Okell, S.J. Payne, P. Jezzard, M.W. Woolrich, Fast Analysis of Vessel Encoded ASL Perfusion and Angiographic Images for Clinical Applications, Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med., Montreal, 2011.
- M.A. Chappell, B.J. MacIntosh, M.W. Woolrich, P. Jezzard, S.J. Payne, Modelling dispersion in Arterial Spin Labelling with Validation from ASL Dynamic Angiography, Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med., Montreal, 2011.
- M.A. Chappell, M.J. Donahue, Y.K. Tee, P. Jezzard, S.J. Payne, Quantitative Model-Based Analysis of Amide Proton Transfer MRI, Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med., Montreal, 2011.
- M.A. Chappell, E.T. Petersen, M.W. Woolrich, X. Golay, S.J. Payne, Full Model-Based Analysis of QUASAR Arterial Spin Labelling, Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med., Montreal, 2011.
- Y.K. Tee, M.A. Chappell, J. Xie, S.J. Payne, CEST Sensitivity Functions Based Sampling Schedule, Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med., Montreal, 2011.
- T.W. Okell, P. Schmitt, X. Bi, M.A. Chappell, R.H. Tijssen, K.L. Miller, P. Jezzard, 4D Vessel-Encoded Arterial Spin Labeling Angiography, Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med., Montreal, 2011.
- T.W. Okell, M.A. Chappell, U. Schultz, P. Jezzard, Quantification of Vessel-Encoded Arterial Spin Labeling Dynamic Angiography with Auto-Calibration, Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med., Montreal, 2011.
- M.A. Chappell, B.J. MacIntosh, S.J. Payne, Quantifying Bolus Dispersion in Arterial Spin Labelling to Monitor Haemodynamics in Vascular Disease, Brain 2011, Barcelona.
- M. Kelly, M. Rowland, T.W. Okell, J. Xie, M.A. Chappell, J. Westbrook, P. Jezzard, K. Pattinson, Cerebral Blood Flow Measured by Pseudo-Continuous Arterial Spin Labelling Perfusion MRI: a Potential Marker for Outcome in Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Haemorrhage, Brain 2011, Barcelona.
- M.A. Chappell, T.W. Okell, P. Jezzard, M.W. Woolrich, A
General Framework for the Analysis of Vessel Encoded Arterial Spin
Labelling, Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med., Stockholm,
- M.A. Chappell, A.R. Groves, B.J. MacIntosh, M.J. Donahue,
P. Jezzard, M.W. Woolrich, Partial Volume Correction for
Perfusion Estimation from Multi-TI Arterial Spin Labelling, Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med., Stockholm,
- M.A. Chappell, T.W. Okell, P. Jezzard, M.W. Woolrich, Resolving Arterial Contributions in Vessel Encoding Dynamic Angiography, Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med., Stockholm,
- M.A. Chappell, B.J. MacIntosh, M.J. Donahue, M. Guenther,
P. Jezzard, M.W. Woolrich, Separation of Intravascular Signal in Multi-Inversion Time Arterial Spin Labelling MRI, Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med., Stockholm,
- S.M. Kazan, M.A. Chappell, M. Guenther, S.J. Payne, Accounting for
Dispersion in Arterial Spin Labeling Using the Mass Transport Model:
Validation Using the Arterial Input Function, Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med., Stockholm,
- T.W. Okell, M.A. Chappell, M. Guenther, P. Jezzard, A
Comparison of 3D-GRASE and EPI for Vessel-Encoded Arterial Spin
Labeling, Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med., Stockholm,
- M.A. Chappell, T.W. Okell, P. Jezzard, M.W. Woolrich,
Vascular Terriotry Image Analysis Using Vessel Encoded Arterial Spin
Labelling, Proc. MICCAI, LNCS 5762 II: p515-521, London, 2009.
- M.A. Chappell, T.W. Okell, P. Jezzard, M.W. Woolrich, A
Probabilistic Model-Based approach for the analysis of vessel
encoded arterial spin labelling, Proc. Human Brain
Mapping,NeuroImage, 47 supp.: pS145, 2009.
- A.R. Groves, M.A. Chappell, M.W. Woolrich, Gaussian process prior for combining spatial regularization with fixed biophysical priors, Proc. Human Brain Mapping,
NeuroImage, 47 supp.: pS145, 2009.
- M.A. Chappell, B.J. MacIntosh, M. Gunther, C.E. Mackay, P. Jezzard, M.W. Woolrich, Reliable Isolation of the Intravascular Contribution in Arterial Spin Labelling MRI , Proc. Int. Soc. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 17: 1511, Hawaii, 2009.
- S.M. Kazan, M.A. Chappell, S.J. Payne, Is Cardiac Gating Necessary in ASL? a Computational and Experimental Study of Flow Dispersion and Cardiac Pulsations , Proc. Int. Soc. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 17: 3632, Hawaii, 2009.
- B.J. MacIntosh, N. Filippini, M.J. Donahue, M.A. Chappell, C.E. Mackay, P. Jezzard, What Is the Detectability of Arterial Transit Times in Pulsed Arterial Spin Labeling (PASL): A Simulation and Empirical Study , Proc. Int. Soc. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 17: 3650, Hawaii, 2009.
- A. Gass, S. Smith, J.G. Hirsch, M. Amann, M. Gunther, B.J. Whitcher, M.A. Chappell, A. Rao, M.W. Woolrich, M. Sollberger, M. Herdener, P.M. Matthews, A.U. Monsch, Multiple MRI Measures in the Characterization of Patients with Early Alzheimer Disease or Mild Cognitive Impairment - Relative Sparing of the Occipital Lobes , Proc. Int. Soc. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 17: 1094, Hawaii, 2009.
- M.A. Chappell, S. Makni, S. Jbabdi, M.W. Woolrich, A Bayesian Approach to Perfusion Quantification of Arterial Spin Labelling Data by Deconvolution , Proc. Human Brain Mapping, Melbourne, 2008.
- M.A. Chappell, S. Makni, S. Jbabdi, M.W. Woolrich, A Probabilistic Approach to Model-Free Arterial Spin Labeling Perfusion Quantification , Proc. Int. Soc. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Toronto, 2008.
- M.A. Chappell, A.R. Groves, D. Gallichan, M.W. Woolrich, Bayesian Inference of Kinetic Curve Models for ASL Perfusion Measurements, Proc. Int. Soc. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Berlin, 2007.
- M.A. Chappell, D. Gallichan, M.W. Woolrich, Possible Evidence for Multiple Vascular Pathways in ASL Perfusion Measurments, Proc. Int. Soc. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Berlin, 2007.
DCS/Bubble conference abstracts/posters

- M.A. Chappell, A.B. Rowley, S.J. Payne, Automatic Doppler bubble detection: The utility of wavelets, Proc. 31st European Underwater and Baromdeical Society Annual Meeing, Norway, August 2006.
- M.A. Chappell, S.J. Payne, Nucleation from cavities: Effects of cavity geometry, Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society Annual Scientific Meeting, Florida, USA, June 2006.
- S. Uzel,M.A. Chappell, S.J. Payne, Modelling the growth, detachment and transport of bubbles in blood vessels, Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society Annual Scientific Meeting, Florida, USA, June 2006.
- M.A. Chappell, S.J. Uzel, S.J. Payne, Do decompression-induced bubbles inhibit blood flow? Physiological Flow Meeting, Oxford, April 2006. [PDF]
- M.A. Chappell, S.J. Payne, A multiple gas crevice model of bubble growth, International Conference on Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine, Barcelona, September 2005.
- M.A. Chappell, S.J. Payne, The effects of expert error on the accuracy of automated bubble classifiers, International Conference on Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine, Barcelona, September 2005.
- M.A. Chappell, S.J. Payne, A crevice bubble growth model for the analysis of decompression sickness, Proc. 27th IEEE EMBS conference, Shanghai, China, September 2005.
- M.A. Chappell, S.J. Payne, An algorithm for the analysis of Doppler Ultrasound signals for the presence of bubbles, Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society Annual Scientific Meeting, Las Vegas, USA, June 2005.
- M.A. Chappell, S.J. Payne, A crevice model for the growth of bubbles in the blood, Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society Annual Scientific Meeting, Las Vegas, USA, June 2005.
- M.A. Chappell, S.J. Payne, The Use of the Hilbert-Huang Transform in the Automated Detection of Venous Gas Emboli, Proc. European Underwater and Baromdeical Society Annual Meeting, Ajaccio, Corsica, September 2004.
- M.A. Chappell, S.J. Payne, The Automatic Detection of Bubbles to help Prevent Decompression Illness, SET for Britain, House of Commons, England, September 2004.
- M.A. Chappell, S.J. Payne, The Automated Detection of Venous Gas Emboli Using the Hilbert-Huang Transform, Proc. 3rd IEEE EMBSS UK & RI Postgraduate Conference in Biomedical Engineering & Medical Physics, pp. 3-4, University of Southampton, August 2004.
- M.A. Chappell, S.J. Payne, The Automated Extraction of the Characteristics of Blood Cell and Bubble Movement from Doppler Ultrasound Recordings, Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society Annual Scientific Meeting, Sydney, Australia, May 2004.