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- 1
G. Adiv.
Determining three-dimensional motion and structure from optical flow
generated by several moving objects.
IEEE Trans. on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence,
7(4):384--401, 1985.
- 2
H. Asada and M. Brady.
The curvature primal sketch.
IEEE Trans. on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence,
8(1):2--14, 1986.
- 3
D.H. Ballard and C.M. Brown.
Computer Vision.
Prentice--Hall, New Jersey, 1982.
- 4
S.T. Barnard and W.B. Thompson.
Disparity analysis of images.
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- 5
P.R. Beaudet.
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- 6
J.R. Bergen, P.J. Burt, R. Hingorani, and S. Peleg.
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In Proc. 3rd Int. Conf. on Computer Vision, pages 27--32, 1990.
- 7
M.J. Black.
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Springer-Verlag, 1992.
- 8
A. Blake and R. Cipolla.
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Image and Vision Computing, 9(2):107--112, 1991.
- 9
A. Blake and A. Zisserman.
Visual Reconstruction.
MIT Press, Cambridge, USA, August 1987.
- 10
S.D. Blostein and T.S. Huang.
A tree-search algorithm for target detection in image sequences.
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- 11
S.D. Blostein and T.S. Huang.
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In Int. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, 1988.
- 12
R.C. Bolles, H.H. Baker, and D.H. Marimont.
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- 13
P. Bouthemy and P. Lalande.
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- 14
W. Burger and B. Bhanu.
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- 15
P.J. Burt.
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- 16
P.J. Burt, J.R. Bergen, R. Hingorani, R.J. Kolczynski, W.A. Lee, A. Leung,
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- 17
B.F. Buxton and H. Buxton.
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- 18
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- 19
B.F. Buxton, H. Buxton, D.W. Murray, and N.S. Williams.
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- 20
J.F. Canny.
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- 21
J.F. Canny.
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- 22
D.A. Castelow, D.W. Murray, G.L. Scott, and B.F. Buxton.
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- 23
D. Charnley and R.J. Blissett.
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- 24
H.H. Chen and T.S. Huang.
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- 25
J. Cooper, S. Venkatesh, and L. Kitchen.
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of Computer Science, 1990.
- 26
P.-E. Danielsson.
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- 27
G.R. Dattatreya and L.N. Kanal.
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- 28
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- 29
R. Deriche.
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- 30
R. Deriche and O. Faugeras.
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- 31
R. Deriche and G. Giraudon.
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In Proc. 3rd Int. Conf. on Computer Vision, pages 66--70, 1990.
- 32
N. Diehl.
Segmentation and motion estimation in image sequences.
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Objects and Scenes, pages 250--261, 1990.
- 33
L. Dreschler and H.-H. Nagel.
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Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing, 20(3):199--228,
- 34
P.H. Eichel and E.J. Delp.
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- 35
W. Enkelmann.
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- 36
O.D. Faugeras.
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- 37
O.D. Faugeras, F. Lustman, and G. Toscani.
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- 38
O.D. Faugeras and S. Maybank.
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- 39
M.M. Fleck.
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- 40
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- 41
E. François and P. Bouthemy.
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- 42
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- 43
D. Geiger and F. Girosi.
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- 44
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- 45
K.J. Hanna and L. Tarassenko.
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- 46
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- 47
R.M. Haralick and J.S.J. Lee.
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- 48
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- 49
C.G. Harris and M. Stephens.
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- 50
D.J. Heeger.
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- 51
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- 52
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- 53
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- 54
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- 55
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- 56
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- 57
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- 58
S.-T. Liu and W.-H. Tsai.
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- 59
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- 60
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- 61
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- 62
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- 63
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- 68
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- 69
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- 70
D.W. Murray, D.A. Castelow, and B.F. Buxton.
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- 71
H.-H. Nagel.
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- 76
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- 78
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- 79
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- 80
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