Sequence Parameters Window

Sequence Parameters Window

Figure 1. Sequence Parameters window.

From this window you can select the specific timing parameters and flip angle for the pulse sequence. The menu will vary depending on the type of pulse sequence chosen. For each parameter, click on box you want to change, delete the existing value and type in the required value.

The Scan Repeat Time, Echo Time and Inversion Time are measured in milliseconds.

The Flip Angle is measured in degrees.

The Number of Averages sets the number of times the experiment will be repeated
i.e. the number of times each phase encode step is sampled. Increasing the averages will give increased signal to noise and help to reduce artefacts but will also increase the scanning time.

The Number of Time Points determines the number of time points in a multiple time point experiment (i.e., the experiment will be repeated the number of times specified with each experiment being saved separately).

Use the NEXT button to move to the next menu page.

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