Reviewing Functional MRI Data
Functional MRI data can be reviewed from within MedX by logging on to pepper.
First use the left-hand mouse to select CDE window TWO on the bottom bar of the screen. This will move you to a new window where you can select a Terminal using the menu which is activated by placing the right-hand mouse in the CDE background.
First you will need to login to Pepper remotely and set the DISPLAY environment variable so that the MedX windows will display on salt.
Type in lower case:
salt> xhost + pepper
salt> rlogin pepper
> password: [RTN]
this will fail and allow you to log in using your home pepper account
> login: your_login_name
> password: your_password
pepper> setenv DISPLAY salt:0.0
Once you have logged on to pepper and set the DISPLAY environment variable you can run MedX. When MedX is running, select Load Varian and load the EPI data and the corresponding Ref Scan. You will find the data in the directory /home/salt/scratch/vnmr_username (where vnmr_username is the user name that you log in to on the Varian console). The data can now be checked.