BOLD Imaging Sequences


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Table of Contents

Title Slide

Electrical and Metabolic Activity

Electrical and Metabolic Activity

Physiological Correlates of Brain Electrical Activity

Hemodynamic Correlates of Neuronal Activation

Magnetic Properties of Hemoglobin

Magnetic Field Distortions Around a Cylinder

Variation with O2 Saturation

Variation with Angle

Extravascular Contribution

BOLD Imaging: Extravascular Contribution

Intravascular Contribution: heterogeneous orientation

Intravascular Contribution: blood T2

Tissue and Blood Contributions

Gradient Echo versus Spin Echo Sensitivity to Vessel Size

BOLD Signal

Functional MRI

Functional Imaging Sequences

Conventional Gradient Echo Imaging

Echo Planar Imaging

Gradient Echo EPI

Spiral Imaging

PRESTO Sequence

3D Whole Brain PRESTO

3D Whole Brain PRESTO - fMRI

High Field Systems

BOLD Signal

BOLD Field Dependence

BOLD Signal Dependence with Field

Artifacts and Signal Recovery

Shimming Problems

EPI Geometric Distortions

Spiral Off-Resonance Distortions

Gradient echo Signal Loss

Improved Shimming Methods

Diamagnetic Mouth Shim

Z-Shimming Methods

Z-Shimming Methods

Hybrid RF Excitation Pulses

Physiological Noise

Effects of Physiological Noise

Effects of Respiration on B0

Effects of Respiration on B0

Effects of Physiological Noise

Correction of Physiological Noise

‘Good’ Physiological Noise?

Other Physiological fMRI Measures


Further Reading

Author: Peter Jezzard


Home Page:

Other information:
FMRIB Centre, University of Oxford, John Radcliffe Hospital, Headington, Oxford, OX3 9DU, ENGLAND