Interactive Figures for Confounds in UK Biobank

Correlation matrices for confound groups


Mean / Max Unique Variance of IDPs Explained by non-linear confounds


Mean / Max Unique Variance of IDPs Explained by crossed-term confounds


Manhattan plots with the % of Unique Variance of the IDPs Explained by Non-linear confounds and Crossed-terms


Violin plots with the Variance Explained by confound groups (normal configuration) per IDPs


Violin plots with the UNIQUE Variance Explained by confound groups (normal configuration) per IDPs


Violin plots with the Variance Explained by confound groups (reduced configuration) per IDPs


Violin plots with the UNIQUE Variance Explained by confound groups (reduced configuration) per IDPs


Violin plots with the Variance Explained and UNIQUE Variance Explained by SITE per IDPs


Violin plots with the Variance Explained by different global confound configurations per IDPs


Bland-Altman plots with the change in correlation P values between IDPs and BODY variables before and after deconfounding with one group of confounds


Bland-Altman plots with the change in correlation P values between IDPs and COGN variables before and after deconfounding with one group of confounds


Manhattan Plots showing the effects of different unconfounding schemes


Developed by Fidel Alfaro Almagro (University of Oxford), using plotly